1. Selection of Trees:

  • Trees can be selected on-site, via email, or through WhatsApp.

2. Non-binding Reservation Period:

  • Selected trees can be reserved without obligation for one week.

  • If a longer reservation is desired for a specific project, this can be arranged after consultation.

3. End of Non-binding Reservation:

  • After the reservation period, the trees will automatically and without notification be put back up for sale.

4. Definitive Reservation:

  • Trees can be definitively reserved after written confirmation via email and by paying a deposit.

  • A reservation is only definitive upon receipt of the deposit in our bank account.

5. Validity of Reservation:

  • A reservation is always only valid until June 1st of each year, even if a deposit has been paid.

  • From June 1st, there is an annual automatic price indexation of +15% to compensate for the growth and work with the trees during the summer months.

6. Liability:

  • We are not responsible for any mistakes.

  • We are not responsible for any damage to trees that occurs during or after the reservation.

Reservation Conditions