1. All agreements for the sale of goods or services concluded by the company (i.e., O-TREES BV, KBO 0738.816.336) are subject to the following conditions, which take precedence over any purchase conditions of the customer.

  2. The quotes provided are valid for 30 days. Prices, unless otherwise stated, are always exclusive of VAT and valid subject to availability. Quotes are always non-binding and only create rights and obligations for the parties upon acceptance by both parties.

  3. Unless otherwise agreed, the costs of transportation, delivery, and insurance are borne by the customer. All goods and materials delivered remain the property of the company until full payment is made by the customer.

  4. The delivery and execution times are indicative and provided for information purposes only. They are therefore not binding unless expressly agreed between the parties.

  5. In the event of a cancellation of an order by the customer that is accepted by the company, a fixed compensation fee of 25% of the order value is due to the company. This compensation covers the loss of profit and the costs incurred, without prejudice to the company's right to prove and recover the actual damage.

  6. The parties are automatically released from fulfilling their obligations towards each other in the event of force majeure. Force majeure refers to the situation where the execution of the contract by one of the parties is wholly or partly, temporarily or permanently, prevented by circumstances beyond the control of that party, even if this circumstance was foreseeable at the time of the contract. Without aiming for completeness, the following are considered cases of force majeure: exhaustion of stock, delays in or failure of deliveries by a party's suppliers, destruction of goods due to accidents, storm, machinery breakdown, strike or lock-out, fire, riot, war, epidemic, flood, high absenteeism, electrical, computer, internet, or telecommunications failures, decisions or interventions by the government (including the refusal or cancellation of a license or permit), fuel shortages, and errors or delays attributable to third parties. The party invoking force majeure is not required to prove the uncontrollable and unforeseeable nature of the circumstance constituting force majeure. In the event of force majeure, the obligations of the affected party are suspended. The parties will make all reasonable efforts to limit the consequences of a force majeure situation. If the force majeure lasts longer than three (3) months, the other party is entitled to terminate the contract without judicial intervention, and the party invoking force majeure cannot be held liable for any compensation.

  7. Any complaint must be submitted in writing (to info@o-trees.be) and no later than 24 hours after delivery, under penalty of forfeiture, and must be substantiated with photos showing the defects. Any protest against an invoice must be communicated in the same manner and within the same period after the invoice date. The liability of the company is in any case limited to direct damage and always to the maximum value of the order.

  8. Unless otherwise agreed or stated on the invoice, all invoices from the company are payable within 8 days from the invoice date at the company's registered office. In case of non-payment of the invoice on the due date, all special conditions, discounts, and rebates enjoyed by the customer are forfeited, and the full price is due. In this case, interest on arrears of 10% per year is also due by law and without prior notice, as well as a fixed compensation of 10% of the invoice amount with a minimum of 150 euros.

  9. Non-payment of one invoice also results in the immediate demandability of all other invoices that have not yet fallen due. The company may also demand immediate payment of the not yet due invoices if, after the conclusion of the contract, circumstances come to the knowledge of our company that give us good reason to fear that the customer will not meet his obligations, or in case of dissolution, bankruptcy, or death of the customer. In these cases, our company may choose to suspend further execution of the contract or to dissolve the contract(s) at the expense of the customer.

  10. The invalidity of one or more clauses of these general terms and conditions does not affect the applicability of all other clauses of these general sales conditions and/or other special conditions as stated in the contracts between the parties.

  11. All agreements with the company are governed by Belgian law, excluding the Vienna Sales Convention. In case of dispute, only the courts of Antwerp, division Antwerp, are competent.

Terms & Conditions